Spring 2025 Release

Discard implausible values

We added a button ­ that, if toggled, allows you to automatically discard implausible values during measurement. 

With this you don't need to interupt your measurement flow when you accidentally made a wrong measurement but can just re-measure the line again. (Make sure to have the speakers of your phone or laptop switched on to get also the accustic feedback on implausible values).


Support of Leica Disto X3 and skyLine lasers

Thanks to the help of Simon and Roger, we were able to finally also integrate the Leica Disto X3. We assume, that the whole X-series should therewith work. We rely on your feedback about that.

We also integrated support for the revolutionary skyLine measuring system by Stephan Morgenthaler and Christoph Dunkel. It will be announced on this website soon: https://www.skyline-laser.ch

Changes in brake measurement

We changed the measurement order such that the brakes will be measured after the rest of the wing was measured.

Also, in order to have a better plausibility check, the reference (ref) for brake measurement is now the first reading on each brake.

Show line inserts / gallery loop changes and comments in wing setup

To even better track the changes on your wing, we now show changes / comments on gallery loops and related to line inserts also to your wing setup

Bug fixes and minor changes

  1. We fixed a bug that messed up the import on wings with non-alphanumeric line names (e.g. on Nova Mentor 6 and Gin Boomerang 12).
  2. We fixed the issue where users on iOs could not select grouped loops (Girth hitch plus and pile hitch that are indicated with a star).
  3. The laser on/off button is now indicated with a ligthbulb ­
  4. Enhanced visual performance / removed css animations/transitions